IMPACT OF GLOBAL WARMINGHEALTHCauses and effects of global warming on health as follows:(From various sources)A. CAUSEGlobal Warming (Global Warming), occurs due to increased temperatureThe average surface of the earth, this is mainly due to:a.Karena earth absorbs more solar energy than is releasedback into the atmosphere (space).b.Menyebabkan the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.c.Menimbulkan increased geothermal and melting polar iceThe main d.Pemicu is increasing carbon emissions, due to the usefossil energy (fuel oil, coal and the like)e.Penghasil biggest carbon emission substance is the industrialized countries, p.This is because the pattern of consumption and lifestyle community for countriesnorth of 10 times higher than the population of southern countries;
Global warming is the gradual increase of temperature of the earth's surface is partly caused by emissions from penecmar substances such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and responsibleagainstchangesinpatternweather
global. Carbon dioxide and pollutants in the atmosphere to form lanilla gathered a thick layer prevents the sun's heat and cause warming the planet with greenhouse gases. Global warming is a complex phenomenon, and the full impact is very difficult to predict. However, each year the ilmuawan learn more about how global warming is affecting the planet, and many of them agree that certain consequences will arise if the trend of pollution which occurs at this time continues, including:•Sea level rise caused by melting of icebergswill cause flooding around the coast;•Rising sea temperatures will cause a stormespecially in the southeast Atlantic•
Destruction of habitats such as coral reefs and rows of alpine mountains can cause loss of biodiversity in the region recently, in a statement late year, the Rainbow, an institution focusing on research and mitigation of climate change states that the Earth's surface temperature in most parts of Indonesia have increased between 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius compared to the average temperature between the years 1951 to 1980, which increase is primarily due to increased greenhouse gases.Global warming is an indisputable fact again and canresult in a very horrible.
The report mentions humans as the main culprit of global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions increased 70% between 1970 and 2004. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is far higher than the natural in the last 650 thousand years.vIMPACT OF GLOBAL WARMINGHEALTHCauses and effects of global warming on health as follows:(From various sources)A. CAUSEGlobal Warming (Global Warming), occurs due to increased temperatureThe average surface of the earth, this is mainly due to:a.Karena earth absorbs more solar energy than is releasedback into the atmosphere (space).b.Menyebabkan the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.c.Menimbulkan increased geothermal and melting polar iceThe main d.Pemicu is increasing carbon emissions, due to the usefossil energy (fuel oil, coal and the like)e.Penghasil biggest carbon emission substance is the industrialized countries, p.This is because the pattern of consumption and lifestyle community for countriesnorth of 10 times higher than the population of southern countries;
Global warming is the gradual increase of temperature of the earth's surface is partly caused by emissions from penecmar substances such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and responsibleagainstchangesinpatternweather
global. Carbon dioxide and pollutants in the atmosphere to form lanilla gathered a thick layer prevents the sun's heat and cause warming the planet with greenhouse gases. Global warming is a complex phenomenon, and the full impact is very difficult to predict. However, each year the ilmuawan learn more about how global warming is affecting the planet, and many of them agree that certain consequences will arise if the trend of pollution which occurs at this time continues, including:•Sea level rise caused by melting of icebergswill cause flooding around the coast;•Rising sea temperatures will cause a stormespecially in the southeast Atlantic•
Destruction of habitats such as coral reefs and rows of alpine mountains can cause loss of biodiversity in the region recently, in a statement late year, the Rainbow, an institution focusing on research and mitigation of climate change states that the Earth's surface temperature in most parts of Indonesia have increased between 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius compared to the average temperature between the years 1951 to 1980, which increase is primarily due to increased greenhouse gases.Global warming is an indisputable fact again and canresult in a very horrible.
The report mentions humans as the main culprit of global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions increased 70% between 1970 and 2004. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is far higher than the natural in the last 650 thousand years.vIMPACT OF GLOBAL WARMINGHEALTHCauses and effects of global warming on health as follows:(From various sources)A. CAUSEGlobal Warming (Global Warming), occurs due to increased temperatureThe average surface of the earth, this is mainly due to:a.Karena earth absorbs more solar energy than is releasedback into the atmosphere (space).b.Menyebabkan the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.c.Menimbulkan increased geothermal and melting polar iceThe main d.Pemicu is increasing carbon emissions, due to the usefossil energy (fuel oil, coal and the like)e.Penghasil biggest carbon emission substance is the industrialized countries, p.This is because the pattern of consumption and lifestyle community for countriesnorth of 10 times higher than the population of southern countries;
Global warming is the gradual increase of temperature of the earth's surface is partly caused by emissions from penecmar substances such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and responsibleagainstchangesinpatternweather
global. Carbon dioxide and pollutants in the atmosphere to form lanilla gathered a thick layer prevents the sun's heat and cause warming the planet with greenhouse gases. Global warming is a complex phenomenon, and the full impact is very difficult to predict. However, each year the ilmuawan learn more about how global warming is affecting the planet, and many of them agree that certain consequences will arise if the trend of pollution which occurs at this time continues, including:•Sea level rise caused by melting of icebergswill cause flooding around the coast;•Rising sea temperatures will cause a stormespecially in the southeast Atlantic•
Destruction of habitats such as coral reefs and rows of alpine mountains can cause loss of biodiversity in the region recently, in a statement late year, the Rainbow, an institution focusing on research and mitigation of climate change states that the Earth's surface temperature in most parts of Indonesia have increased between 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius compared to the average temperature between the years 1951 to 1980, which increase is primarily due to increased greenhouse gases.Global warming is an indisputable fact again and canresult in a very horrible.
The report mentions humans as the main culprit of global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions increased 70% between 1970 and 2004. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is far higher than the natural in the last 650 thousand years.vIMPACT OF GLOBAL WARMINGHEALTHCauses and effects of global warming on health as follows:(From various sources)A. CAUSEGlobal Warming (Global Warming), occurs due to increased temperatureThe average surface of the earth, this is mainly due to:a.Karena earth absorbs more solar energy than is releasedback into the atmosphere (space).b.Menyebabkan the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.c.Menimbulkan increased geothermal and melting polar iceThe main d.Pemicu is increasing carbon emissions, due to the usefossil energy (fuel oil, coal and the like)e.Penghasil biggest carbon emission substance is the industrialized countries, p.This is because the pattern of consumption and lifestyle community for countriesnorth of 10 times higher than the population of southern countries;
Global warming is the gradual increase of temperature of the earth's surface is partly caused by emissions from penecmar substances such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and responsibleagainstchangesinpatternweather
global. Carbon dioxide and pollutants in the atmosphere to form lanilla gathered a thick layer prevents the sun's heat and cause warming the planet with greenhouse gases. Global warming is a complex phenomenon, and the full impact is very difficult to predict. However, each year the ilmuawan learn more about how global warming is affecting the planet, and many of them agree that certain consequences will arise if the trend of pollution which occurs at this time continues, including:•Sea level rise caused by melting of icebergswill cause flooding around the coast;•Rising sea temperatures will cause a stormespecially in the southeast Atlantic•
Destruction of habitats such as coral reefs and rows of alpine mountains can cause loss of biodiversity in the region recently, in a statement late year, the Rainbow, an institution focusing on research and mitigation of climate change states that the Earth's surface temperature in most parts of Indonesia have increased between 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius compared to the average temperature between the years 1951 to 1980, which increase is primarily due to increased greenhouse gases.Global warming is an indisputable fact again and canresult in a very horrible.
The report mentions humans as the main culprit of global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions increased 70% between 1970 and 2004. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is far higher than the natural in the last 650 thousand years.The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
1. Global warming is not only a serious impact on the human environment on the earth but also on health. World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting in Geneva said that various infectious diseases that arise are identified associated with the drastic environmental changes. Damage to forests, urban sprawl, land clearing for agriculture, mining, and damage to coastal ecosystems in the region triggered the emergence of old and new pathogens. Various diseases caused by parasites also increased, especially in areas that often experience droughts and floods.a.Malnutrisi cause 3.7 million deaths per year, diarrhealresulted in the death of 1.9 million souls, and malaria causedeath of 0.9 million inhabitants.b.Suhu hotter also affect food production,
availability of water and the spread of disease vectors. World Health Organization (WHO) warns that global warming (global warming) will affect public health and the environment. Changes in temperature and rainfall caused allow a variety of viruses and bacteria grow more extensive disease. WHO said that, in addition to viral and bacterial disease progresses rapidly, indirectly global warming could cause drought or flooding. EFFECT ON HEALTH
1. Global warming is not only a serious impact on the human environment on the earth but also on health. World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting in Geneva said that various infectious diseases that arise are identified associated with the drastic environmental changes. Damage to forests, urban sprawl, land clearing for agriculture, mining, and damage to coastal ecosystems in the region triggered the emergence of old and new pathogens. Various diseases caused by parasites also increased, especially in areas that often experience droughts and floods.a.Malnutrisi cause 3.7 million deaths per year, diarrhealresulted in the death of 1.9 million souls, and malaria causedeath of 0.9 million inhabitants.b.Suhu hotter also affect food production,
availability of water and the spread of disease vectors. World Health Organization (WHO) warns that global warming (global warming) will affect public health and the environment. Changes in temperature and rainfall caused allow a variety of viruses and bacteria grow more extensive disease. WHO said that, in addition to viral and bacterial disease progresses rapidly, indirectly global warming could cause drought or flooding. EFFECT ON HEALTH
1. Global warming is not only a serious impact on the human environment on the earth but also on health. World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting in Geneva said that various infectious diseases that arise are identified associated with the drastic environmental changes. Damage to forests, urban sprawl, land clearing for agriculture, mining, and damage to coastal ecosystems in the region triggered the emergence of old and new pathogens. Various diseases caused by parasites also increased, especially in areas that often experience droughts and floods.a.Malnutrisi cause 3.7 million deaths per year, diarrhealresulted in the death of 1.9 million souls, and malaria causedeath of 0.9 million inhabitants.b.Suhu hotter also affect food production,
availability of water and the spread of disease vectors. World Health Organization (WHO) warns that global warming (global warming) will affect public health and the environment. Changes in temperature and rainfall caused allow a variety of viruses and bacteria grow more extensive disease. WHO said that, in addition to viral and bacterial disease progresses rapidly, indirectly global warming could cause drought or flooding.EFFECT ON HEALTH
1. Global warming is not only a serious impact on the human environment on the earth but also on health. World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting in Geneva said that various infectious diseases that arise are identified associated with the drastic environmental changes. Damage to forests, urban sprawl, land clearing for agriculture, mining, and damage to coastal ecosystems in the region triggered the emergence of old and new pathogens. Various diseases caused by parasites also increased, especially in areas that often experience droughts and floods.a.Malnutrisi cause 3.7 million deaths per year, diarrhealresulted in the death of 1.9 million souls, and malaria causedeath of 0.9 million inhabitants.b.Suhu hotter also affect food production,
availability of water and the spread of disease vectors. World Health Organization (WHO) warns that global warming (global warming) will affect public health and the environment. Changes in temperature and rainfall caused allow a variety of viruses and bacteria grow more extensive disease. WHO said that, in addition to viral and bacterial disease progresses rapidly, indirectly global warming could cause drought or flooding. EFFECT ON HEALTH
1. Global warming is not only a serious impact on the human environment on the earth but also on health. World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting in Geneva said that various infectious diseases that arise are identified associated with the drastic environmental changes. Damage to forests, urban sprawl, land clearing for agriculture, mining, and damage to coastal ecosystems in the region triggered the emergence of old and new pathogens. Various diseases caused by parasites also increased, especially in areas that often experience droughts and floods.a.Malnutrisi cause 3.7 million deaths per year, diarrhealresulted in the death of 1.9 million souls, and malaria causedeath of 0.9 million inhabitants.b.Suhu hotter also affect food production,
availability of water and the spread of disease vectors. World Health Organization (WHO) warns that global warming (global warming) will affect public health and the environment. Changes in temperature and rainfall caused allow a variety of viruses and bacteria grow more extensive disease. WHO said that, in addition to viral and bacterial disease progresses rapidly, indirectly global warming could cause drought or flooding. EFFECT ON HEALTH
1. Global warming is not only a serious impact on the human environment on the earth but also on health. World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting in Geneva said that various infectious diseases that arise are identified associated with the drastic environmental changes. Damage to forests, urban sprawl, land clearing for agriculture, mining, and damage to coastal ecosystems in the region triggered the emergence of old and new pathogens. Various diseases caused by parasites also increased, especially in areas that often experience droughts and floods.a.Malnutrisi cause 3.7 million deaths per year, diarrhealresulted in the death of 1.9 million souls, and malaria causedeath of 0.9 million inhabitants.b.Suhu hotter also affect food production,
availability of water and the spread of disease vectors. World Health Organization (WHO) warns that global warming (global warming) will affect public health and the environment. Changes in temperature and rainfall caused allow a variety of viruses and bacteria grow more extensive disease. WHO said that, in addition to viral and bacterial disease progresses rapidly, indirectly global warming could cause drought or flooding.
c. Drought reduced the nutritional status of the community becauseharvest is disrupted, causing widespread flooding of diarrheal diseaseand leptospirosis.d.Kebakaran forest, can disturb the ecosystem of the earth, producing gas-
greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Meanwhile, black smoke directly disrupt human life, smoke containing fine dust and various carbon oxides that cause respiratory disorders and acute respiratory infections (ARI), began with asthma, bronchitis to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smoke was also carrying toxic dioxins that can cause lung cancer and disorders of pregnancy and infertility in women.e. In hot temperatures sick man susceptible respiratory infection, increased disease
communicable diseases (Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, a disease transmitted through air and water), occurrence of psychological conflict (stress), longer disease re-emerges, such as malaria, degenerative diseases, heart disease, lung disease.f. The impact of global warming also affects the ozone depletion
among others, the increased intensity of ultraviolet rays reaching the earth's surface causing health problems, such as skin cancer, cataracts, decreased endurance, and growth of genetic mutations., common diseases worsen asthma and allergies
Improve cardiovascular cases, death from heart disease and stroke as well as heart and blood vessel disorders2. Global warming also causes the pollination season lasts
longer, so increasing the risk of the emergence of diseases caused by ticks in northern Europe. Another Peyakit were identified as Lyme, which is caused by a bacterium in North America, Europe, and Asia. Symptoms include headaches, seizures, and joint pain. The disease moves through a kind of flea bites an infected deer is Lyme. The same bacteria found in mice mushy. Another impact is felt more mosquitoes breed erutama in Africa and Asia. Two serious illness due to mosquito bites, the malaria and dengue fever, are very sensitive to climate change. In Indonesia we have to feel it immediately, namely the high number of victims who suffer from dengue fever.
Global warming resulting in marriage and the growth cycle of mosquitoes from egg to larva and adult mosquitoes will be shortened, so that the population will rapidly increase. About the relationship of global warming by increasing the vector of dengue fever can be explained as follows:
The air was hot and humid it is most suitable for malaria mosquito (Anopheles), and dengue fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti). First, both types of mosquito spreader of this death more often comes in the season transition, the transition between the rainy and dry seasons.
Now the span of two insect attack almost throughout the year. The air was hot and humid place throughout the year, coupled with poor sanitation which always provides a pool of clear water to their spawning grounds. So, now the virus that brought malaria and dengue virus Anopheles mosquito Aedes aegypti which was brought to attack at any time be malignant.
As a result of global warming, the extrinsic incubation cycle of the virus that causes Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in the body of the mosquito Aedes aegyti and extrinsic incubation cycle in the body of the virus that causes malaria mosquito Anopheles become shorter and shorter incubation period germs. Their population is more easily explode. As a result, the case resulted in a decrease c.Kekeringan nutritional status of the community becauseharvest is disrupted, causing widespread flooding of diarrheal diseaseand leptospirosis.d. Forest fires, can disturb the ecosystem of the earth, producing gas-
greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Meanwhile, black smoke directly disrupt human life, smoke containing fine dust and various carbon oxides that cause respiratory disorders and acute respiratory infections (ARI), began with asthma, bronchitis to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smoke was also carrying toxic dioxins that can cause lung cancer and disorders of pregnancy and infertility in women.e. In hot temperatures sick man susceptible respiratory infection, increased disease
communicable diseases (Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, a disease transmitted through air and water), occurrence of psychological conflict (stress), longer disease re-emerges, such as malaria, degenerative diseases, heart disease, lung disease.f. The impact of global warming also affects the ozone depletion
among others, the increased intensity of ultraviolet rays reaching the earth's surface causing health problems, such as skin cancer, cataracts, decreased endurance, and growth of genetic mutations., common diseases worsen asthma and allergiesc. Drought reduced the nutritional status of the community becauseharvest is disrupted, causing widespread flooding of diarrheal diseaseand leptospirosis.d.Kebakaran forest, can disturb the ecosystem of the earth, producing gas-
greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Meanwhile, black smoke directly disrupt human life, smoke containing fine dust and various carbon oxides that cause respiratory disorders and acute respiratory infections (ARI), began with asthma, bronchitis to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smoke was also carrying toxic dioxins that can cause lung cancer and disorders of pregnancy and infertility in women.e. In hot temperatures sick man susceptible respiratory infection, increased disease
communicable diseases (Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, a disease transmitted through air and water), occurrence of psychological conflict (stress), longer disease re-emerges, such as malaria, degenerative diseases, heart disease, lung disease.f. The impact of global warming also affects the ozone depletion
among others, the increased intensity of ultraviolet rays reaching the earth's surface causing health problems, such as skin cancer, cataracts, decreased endurance, and growth of genetic mutations., common diseases worsen asthma and allergies
Improve cardiovascular cases, death from heart disease and stroke as well as heart and blood vessel disorders2. Global warming also causes the pollination season lasts
longer, so increasing the risk of the emergence of diseases caused by ticks in northern Europe. Another Peyakit were identified as Lyme, which is caused by a bacterium in North America, Europe, and Asia. Symptoms include headaches, seizures, and joint pain. The disease moves through a kind of flea bites an infected deer is Lyme. The same bacteria found in mice mushy. Another impact is felt more mosquitoes breed erutama in Africa and Asia. Two serious illness due to mosquito bites, the malaria and dengue fever, are very sensitive to climate change. In Indonesia we have to feel it immediately, namely the high number of victims who suffer from dengue fever.
Global warming resulting in marriage and the growth cycle of mosquitoes from egg to larva and adult mosquitoes will be shortened, so that the population will rapidly increase. About the relationship of global warming by increasing the vector of dengue fever can be explained as follows:
The air was hot and humid it is most suitable for malaria mosquito (Anopheles), and dengue fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti). First, both types of mosquito spreader of this death more often comes in the season transition, the transition between the rainy and dry seasons.
Now the span of two insect attack almost throughout the year. The air was hot and humid place throughout the year, coupled with poor sanitation which always provides a pool of clear water to their spawning grounds. So, now the virus that brought malaria and dengue virus Anopheles mosquito Aedes aegypti which was brought to attack at any time be malignant.
As a result of global warming, the extrinsic incubation cycle of the virus that causes Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in the body of the mosquito Aedes aegyti and extrinsic incubation cycle in the body of the virus that causes malaria mosquito Anopheles become shorter and shorter incubation period germs. Their population is more easily explode. As a result, the case resulted in a decrease c.Kekeringan nutritional status of the community becauseharvest is disrupted, causing widespread flooding of diarrheal diseaseand leptospirosis.d. Forest fires, can disturb the ecosystem of the earth, producing gas-
greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Meanwhile, black smoke directly disrupt human life, smoke containing fine dust and various carbon oxides that cause respiratory disorders and acute respiratory infections (ARI), began with asthma, bronchitis to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smoke was also carrying toxic dioxins that can cause lung cancer and disorders of pregnancy and infertility in women.e. In hot temperatures sick man susceptible respiratory infection, increased disease
communicable diseases (Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, a disease transmitted through air and water), occurrence of psychological conflict (stress), longer disease re-emerges, such as malaria, degenerative diseases, heart disease, lung disease.f. The impact of global warming also affects the ozone depletion
among others, the increased intensity of ultraviolet rays reaching the earth's surface causing health problems, such as skin cancer, cataracts, decreased endurance, and growth of genetic mutations., common diseases worsen asthma and allergies.
Global warming is the gradual increase of temperature of the earth's surface is partly caused by emissions from penecmar substances such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and responsibleagainstchangesinpatternweather
global. Carbon dioxide and pollutants in the atmosphere to form lanilla gathered a thick layer prevents the sun's heat and cause warming the planet with greenhouse gases. Global warming is a complex phenomenon, and the full impact is very difficult to predict. However, each year the ilmuawan learn more about how global warming is affecting the planet, and many of them agree that certain consequences will arise if the trend of pollution which occurs at this time continues, including:•Sea level rise caused by melting of icebergswill cause flooding around the coast;•Rising sea temperatures will cause a stormespecially in the southeast Atlantic•
Destruction of habitats such as coral reefs and rows of alpine mountains can cause loss of biodiversity in the region recently, in a statement late year, the Rainbow, an institution focusing on research and mitigation of climate change states that the Earth's surface temperature in most parts of Indonesia have increased between 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius compared to the average temperature between the years 1951 to 1980, which increase is primarily due to increased greenhouse gases.Global warming is an indisputable fact again and canresult in a very horrible.
The report mentions humans as the main culprit of global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions increased 70% between 1970 and 2004. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is far higher than the natural in the last 650 thousand years.vIMPACT OF GLOBAL WARMINGHEALTHCauses and effects of global warming on health as follows:(From various sources)A. CAUSEGlobal Warming (Global Warming), occurs due to increased temperatureThe average surface of the earth, this is mainly due to:a.Karena earth absorbs more solar energy than is releasedback into the atmosphere (space).b.Menyebabkan the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.c.Menimbulkan increased geothermal and melting polar iceThe main d.Pemicu is increasing carbon emissions, due to the usefossil energy (fuel oil, coal and the like)e.Penghasil biggest carbon emission substance is the industrialized countries, p.This is because the pattern of consumption and lifestyle community for countriesnorth of 10 times higher than the population of southern countries;
Global warming is the gradual increase of temperature of the earth's surface is partly caused by emissions from penecmar substances such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and responsibleagainstchangesinpatternweather
global. Carbon dioxide and pollutants in the atmosphere to form lanilla gathered a thick layer prevents the sun's heat and cause warming the planet with greenhouse gases. Global warming is a complex phenomenon, and the full impact is very difficult to predict. However, each year the ilmuawan learn more about how global warming is affecting the planet, and many of them agree that certain consequences will arise if the trend of pollution which occurs at this time continues, including:•Sea level rise caused by melting of icebergswill cause flooding around the coast;•Rising sea temperatures will cause a stormespecially in the southeast Atlantic•
Destruction of habitats such as coral reefs and rows of alpine mountains can cause loss of biodiversity in the region recently, in a statement late year, the Rainbow, an institution focusing on research and mitigation of climate change states that the Earth's surface temperature in most parts of Indonesia have increased between 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius compared to the average temperature between the years 1951 to 1980, which increase is primarily due to increased greenhouse gases.Global warming is an indisputable fact again and canresult in a very horrible.
The report mentions humans as the main culprit of global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions increased 70% between 1970 and 2004. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is far higher than the natural in the last 650 thousand years.vIMPACT OF GLOBAL WARMINGHEALTHCauses and effects of global warming on health as follows:(From various sources)A. CAUSEGlobal Warming (Global Warming), occurs due to increased temperatureThe average surface of the earth, this is mainly due to:a.Karena earth absorbs more solar energy than is releasedback into the atmosphere (space).b.Menyebabkan the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.c.Menimbulkan increased geothermal and melting polar iceThe main d.Pemicu is increasing carbon emissions, due to the usefossil energy (fuel oil, coal and the like)e.Penghasil biggest carbon emission substance is the industrialized countries, p.This is because the pattern of consumption and lifestyle community for countriesnorth of 10 times higher than the population of southern countries;
Global warming is the gradual increase of temperature of the earth's surface is partly caused by emissions from penecmar substances such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and responsibleagainstchangesinpatternweather
global. Carbon dioxide and pollutants in the atmosphere to form lanilla gathered a thick layer prevents the sun's heat and cause warming the planet with greenhouse gases. Global warming is a complex phenomenon, and the full impact is very difficult to predict. However, each year the ilmuawan learn more about how global warming is affecting the planet, and many of them agree that certain consequences will arise if the trend of pollution which occurs at this time continues, including:•Sea level rise caused by melting of icebergswill cause flooding around the coast;•Rising sea temperatures will cause a stormespecially in the southeast Atlantic•
Destruction of habitats such as coral reefs and rows of alpine mountains can cause loss of biodiversity in the region recently, in a statement late year, the Rainbow, an institution focusing on research and mitigation of climate change states that the Earth's surface temperature in most parts of Indonesia have increased between 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius compared to the average temperature between the years 1951 to 1980, which increase is primarily due to increased greenhouse gases.Global warming is an indisputable fact again and canresult in a very horrible.
The report mentions humans as the main culprit of global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions increased 70% between 1970 and 2004. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is far higher than the natural in the last 650 thousand years.vIMPACT OF GLOBAL WARMINGHEALTHCauses and effects of global warming on health as follows:(From various sources)A. CAUSEGlobal Warming (Global Warming), occurs due to increased temperatureThe average surface of the earth, this is mainly due to:a.Karena earth absorbs more solar energy than is releasedback into the atmosphere (space).b.Menyebabkan the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.c.Menimbulkan increased geothermal and melting polar iceThe main d.Pemicu is increasing carbon emissions, due to the usefossil energy (fuel oil, coal and the like)e.Penghasil biggest carbon emission substance is the industrialized countries, p.This is because the pattern of consumption and lifestyle community for countriesnorth of 10 times higher than the population of southern countries;
Global warming is the gradual increase of temperature of the earth's surface is partly caused by emissions from penecmar substances such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and responsibleagainstchangesinpatternweather
global. Carbon dioxide and pollutants in the atmosphere to form lanilla gathered a thick layer prevents the sun's heat and cause warming the planet with greenhouse gases. Global warming is a complex phenomenon, and the full impact is very difficult to predict. However, each year the ilmuawan learn more about how global warming is affecting the planet, and many of them agree that certain consequences will arise if the trend of pollution which occurs at this time continues, including:•Sea level rise caused by melting of icebergswill cause flooding around the coast;•Rising sea temperatures will cause a stormespecially in the southeast Atlantic•
Destruction of habitats such as coral reefs and rows of alpine mountains can cause loss of biodiversity in the region recently, in a statement late year, the Rainbow, an institution focusing on research and mitigation of climate change states that the Earth's surface temperature in most parts of Indonesia have increased between 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius compared to the average temperature between the years 1951 to 1980, which increase is primarily due to increased greenhouse gases.Global warming is an indisputable fact again and canresult in a very horrible.
The report mentions humans as the main culprit of global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions increased 70% between 1970 and 2004. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is far higher than the natural in the last 650 thousand years.The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
The average global temperature has risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 0.72 degrees Celsius) in the last 100 years. Sea level rose an average of 0.175 cm per year since 1961. (The latest report the UN Panel on Climate Change or the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Valencia, 19 November 2007
According to Antara News (2007), at least 23 uninhabited islands in Indonesia sank in the last 10 years due to global warming. It is estimated that in 2070 around 800 thousand homes located in coastal areas should be moved and as many as 2,000 islands of about 18 thousand islands of Indonesia will be submerged due to rising sea water. Island of Maldives in India, Vanuatu and several other islands would also tend to suffer the same fate due to global warming.
1. Global warming is not only a serious impact on the human environment on the earth but also on health. World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting in Geneva said that various infectious diseases that arise are identified associated with the drastic environmental changes. Damage to forests, urban sprawl, land clearing for agriculture, mining, and damage to coastal ecosystems in the region triggered the emergence of old and new pathogens. Various diseases caused by parasites also increased, especially in areas that often experience droughts and floods.a.Malnutrisi cause 3.7 million deaths per year, diarrhealresulted in the death of 1.9 million souls, and malaria causedeath of 0.9 million inhabitants.b.Suhu hotter also affect food production,
availability of water and the spread of disease vectors. World Health Organization (WHO) warns that global warming (global warming) will affect public health and the environment. Changes in temperature and rainfall caused allow a variety of viruses and bacteria grow more extensive disease. WHO said that, in addition to viral and bacterial disease progresses rapidly, indirectly global warming could cause drought or flooding. EFFECT ON HEALTH
1. Global warming is not only a serious impact on the human environment on the earth but also on health. World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting in Geneva said that various infectious diseases that arise are identified associated with the drastic environmental changes. Damage to forests, urban sprawl, land clearing for agriculture, mining, and damage to coastal ecosystems in the region triggered the emergence of old and new pathogens. Various diseases caused by parasites also increased, especially in areas that often experience droughts and floods.a.Malnutrisi cause 3.7 million deaths per year, diarrhealresulted in the death of 1.9 million souls, and malaria causedeath of 0.9 million inhabitants.b.Suhu hotter also affect food production,
availability of water and the spread of disease vectors. World Health Organization (WHO) warns that global warming (global warming) will affect public health and the environment. Changes in temperature and rainfall caused allow a variety of viruses and bacteria grow more extensive disease. WHO said that, in addition to viral and bacterial disease progresses rapidly, indirectly global warming could cause drought or flooding. EFFECT ON HEALTH
1. Global warming is not only a serious impact on the human environment on the earth but also on health. World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting in Geneva said that various infectious diseases that arise are identified associated with the drastic environmental changes. Damage to forests, urban sprawl, land clearing for agriculture, mining, and damage to coastal ecosystems in the region triggered the emergence of old and new pathogens. Various diseases caused by parasites also increased, especially in areas that often experience droughts and floods.a.Malnutrisi cause 3.7 million deaths per year, diarrhealresulted in the death of 1.9 million souls, and malaria causedeath of 0.9 million inhabitants.b.Suhu hotter also affect food production,
availability of water and the spread of disease vectors. World Health Organization (WHO) warns that global warming (global warming) will affect public health and the environment. Changes in temperature and rainfall caused allow a variety of viruses and bacteria grow more extensive disease. WHO said that, in addition to viral and bacterial disease progresses rapidly, indirectly global warming could cause drought or flooding.EFFECT ON HEALTH
1. Global warming is not only a serious impact on the human environment on the earth but also on health. World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting in Geneva said that various infectious diseases that arise are identified associated with the drastic environmental changes. Damage to forests, urban sprawl, land clearing for agriculture, mining, and damage to coastal ecosystems in the region triggered the emergence of old and new pathogens. Various diseases caused by parasites also increased, especially in areas that often experience droughts and floods.a.Malnutrisi cause 3.7 million deaths per year, diarrhealresulted in the death of 1.9 million souls, and malaria causedeath of 0.9 million inhabitants.b.Suhu hotter also affect food production,
availability of water and the spread of disease vectors. World Health Organization (WHO) warns that global warming (global warming) will affect public health and the environment. Changes in temperature and rainfall caused allow a variety of viruses and bacteria grow more extensive disease. WHO said that, in addition to viral and bacterial disease progresses rapidly, indirectly global warming could cause drought or flooding. EFFECT ON HEALTH
1. Global warming is not only a serious impact on the human environment on the earth but also on health. World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting in Geneva said that various infectious diseases that arise are identified associated with the drastic environmental changes. Damage to forests, urban sprawl, land clearing for agriculture, mining, and damage to coastal ecosystems in the region triggered the emergence of old and new pathogens. Various diseases caused by parasites also increased, especially in areas that often experience droughts and floods.a.Malnutrisi cause 3.7 million deaths per year, diarrhealresulted in the death of 1.9 million souls, and malaria causedeath of 0.9 million inhabitants.b.Suhu hotter also affect food production,
availability of water and the spread of disease vectors. World Health Organization (WHO) warns that global warming (global warming) will affect public health and the environment. Changes in temperature and rainfall caused allow a variety of viruses and bacteria grow more extensive disease. WHO said that, in addition to viral and bacterial disease progresses rapidly, indirectly global warming could cause drought or flooding. EFFECT ON HEALTH
1. Global warming is not only a serious impact on the human environment on the earth but also on health. World Health Organization (WHO) annual meeting in Geneva said that various infectious diseases that arise are identified associated with the drastic environmental changes. Damage to forests, urban sprawl, land clearing for agriculture, mining, and damage to coastal ecosystems in the region triggered the emergence of old and new pathogens. Various diseases caused by parasites also increased, especially in areas that often experience droughts and floods.a.Malnutrisi cause 3.7 million deaths per year, diarrhealresulted in the death of 1.9 million souls, and malaria causedeath of 0.9 million inhabitants.b.Suhu hotter also affect food production,
availability of water and the spread of disease vectors. World Health Organization (WHO) warns that global warming (global warming) will affect public health and the environment. Changes in temperature and rainfall caused allow a variety of viruses and bacteria grow more extensive disease. WHO said that, in addition to viral and bacterial disease progresses rapidly, indirectly global warming could cause drought or flooding.
c. Drought reduced the nutritional status of the community becauseharvest is disrupted, causing widespread flooding of diarrheal diseaseand leptospirosis.d.Kebakaran forest, can disturb the ecosystem of the earth, producing gas-
greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Meanwhile, black smoke directly disrupt human life, smoke containing fine dust and various carbon oxides that cause respiratory disorders and acute respiratory infections (ARI), began with asthma, bronchitis to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smoke was also carrying toxic dioxins that can cause lung cancer and disorders of pregnancy and infertility in women.e. In hot temperatures sick man susceptible respiratory infection, increased disease
communicable diseases (Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, a disease transmitted through air and water), occurrence of psychological conflict (stress), longer disease re-emerges, such as malaria, degenerative diseases, heart disease, lung disease.f. The impact of global warming also affects the ozone depletion
among others, the increased intensity of ultraviolet rays reaching the earth's surface causing health problems, such as skin cancer, cataracts, decreased endurance, and growth of genetic mutations., common diseases worsen asthma and allergies
Improve cardiovascular cases, death from heart disease and stroke as well as heart and blood vessel disorders2. Global warming also causes the pollination season lasts
longer, so increasing the risk of the emergence of diseases caused by ticks in northern Europe. Another Peyakit were identified as Lyme, which is caused by a bacterium in North America, Europe, and Asia. Symptoms include headaches, seizures, and joint pain. The disease moves through a kind of flea bites an infected deer is Lyme. The same bacteria found in mice mushy. Another impact is felt more mosquitoes breed erutama in Africa and Asia. Two serious illness due to mosquito bites, the malaria and dengue fever, are very sensitive to climate change. In Indonesia we have to feel it immediately, namely the high number of victims who suffer from dengue fever.
Global warming resulting in marriage and the growth cycle of mosquitoes from egg to larva and adult mosquitoes will be shortened, so that the population will rapidly increase. About the relationship of global warming by increasing the vector of dengue fever can be explained as follows:
The air was hot and humid it is most suitable for malaria mosquito (Anopheles), and dengue fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti). First, both types of mosquito spreader of this death more often comes in the season transition, the transition between the rainy and dry seasons.
Now the span of two insect attack almost throughout the year. The air was hot and humid place throughout the year, coupled with poor sanitation which always provides a pool of clear water to their spawning grounds. So, now the virus that brought malaria and dengue virus Anopheles mosquito Aedes aegypti which was brought to attack at any time be malignant.
As a result of global warming, the extrinsic incubation cycle of the virus that causes Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in the body of the mosquito Aedes aegyti and extrinsic incubation cycle in the body of the virus that causes malaria mosquito Anopheles become shorter and shorter incubation period germs. Their population is more easily explode. As a result, the case resulted in a decrease c.Kekeringan nutritional status of the community becauseharvest is disrupted, causing widespread flooding of diarrheal diseaseand leptospirosis.d. Forest fires, can disturb the ecosystem of the earth, producing gas-
greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Meanwhile, black smoke directly disrupt human life, smoke containing fine dust and various carbon oxides that cause respiratory disorders and acute respiratory infections (ARI), began with asthma, bronchitis to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smoke was also carrying toxic dioxins that can cause lung cancer and disorders of pregnancy and infertility in women.e. In hot temperatures sick man susceptible respiratory infection, increased disease
communicable diseases (Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, a disease transmitted through air and water), occurrence of psychological conflict (stress), longer disease re-emerges, such as malaria, degenerative diseases, heart disease, lung disease.f. The impact of global warming also affects the ozone depletion
among others, the increased intensity of ultraviolet rays reaching the earth's surface causing health problems, such as skin cancer, cataracts, decreased endurance, and growth of genetic mutations., common diseases worsen asthma and allergiesc. Drought reduced the nutritional status of the community becauseharvest is disrupted, causing widespread flooding of diarrheal diseaseand leptospirosis.d.Kebakaran forest, can disturb the ecosystem of the earth, producing gas-
greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Meanwhile, black smoke directly disrupt human life, smoke containing fine dust and various carbon oxides that cause respiratory disorders and acute respiratory infections (ARI), began with asthma, bronchitis to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smoke was also carrying toxic dioxins that can cause lung cancer and disorders of pregnancy and infertility in women.e. In hot temperatures sick man susceptible respiratory infection, increased disease
communicable diseases (Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, a disease transmitted through air and water), occurrence of psychological conflict (stress), longer disease re-emerges, such as malaria, degenerative diseases, heart disease, lung disease.f. The impact of global warming also affects the ozone depletion
among others, the increased intensity of ultraviolet rays reaching the earth's surface causing health problems, such as skin cancer, cataracts, decreased endurance, and growth of genetic mutations., common diseases worsen asthma and allergies
Improve cardiovascular cases, death from heart disease and stroke as well as heart and blood vessel disorders2. Global warming also causes the pollination season lasts
longer, so increasing the risk of the emergence of diseases caused by ticks in northern Europe. Another Peyakit were identified as Lyme, which is caused by a bacterium in North America, Europe, and Asia. Symptoms include headaches, seizures, and joint pain. The disease moves through a kind of flea bites an infected deer is Lyme. The same bacteria found in mice mushy. Another impact is felt more mosquitoes breed erutama in Africa and Asia. Two serious illness due to mosquito bites, the malaria and dengue fever, are very sensitive to climate change. In Indonesia we have to feel it immediately, namely the high number of victims who suffer from dengue fever.
Global warming resulting in marriage and the growth cycle of mosquitoes from egg to larva and adult mosquitoes will be shortened, so that the population will rapidly increase. About the relationship of global warming by increasing the vector of dengue fever can be explained as follows:
The air was hot and humid it is most suitable for malaria mosquito (Anopheles), and dengue fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti). First, both types of mosquito spreader of this death more often comes in the season transition, the transition between the rainy and dry seasons.
Now the span of two insect attack almost throughout the year. The air was hot and humid place throughout the year, coupled with poor sanitation which always provides a pool of clear water to their spawning grounds. So, now the virus that brought malaria and dengue virus Anopheles mosquito Aedes aegypti which was brought to attack at any time be malignant.
As a result of global warming, the extrinsic incubation cycle of the virus that causes Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in the body of the mosquito Aedes aegyti and extrinsic incubation cycle in the body of the virus that causes malaria mosquito Anopheles become shorter and shorter incubation period germs. Their population is more easily explode. As a result, the case resulted in a decrease c.Kekeringan nutritional status of the community becauseharvest is disrupted, causing widespread flooding of diarrheal diseaseand leptospirosis.d. Forest fires, can disturb the ecosystem of the earth, producing gas-
greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Meanwhile, black smoke directly disrupt human life, smoke containing fine dust and various carbon oxides that cause respiratory disorders and acute respiratory infections (ARI), began with asthma, bronchitis to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smoke was also carrying toxic dioxins that can cause lung cancer and disorders of pregnancy and infertility in women.e. In hot temperatures sick man susceptible respiratory infection, increased disease
communicable diseases (Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, a disease transmitted through air and water), occurrence of psychological conflict (stress), longer disease re-emerges, such as malaria, degenerative diseases, heart disease, lung disease.f. The impact of global warming also affects the ozone depletion
among others, the increased intensity of ultraviolet rays reaching the earth's surface causing health problems, such as skin cancer, cataracts, decreased endurance, and growth of genetic mutations., common diseases worsen asthma and allergies.
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